
WP1. Project Management

WP1 focuses on planning and undertaking the activities necessary for initiating and managing the project in the most efficient manner, ensuring timely progress with respect to the work plan.

WP2. Neuroengineering for EEG-based Imagined Speech Decoding

WP2 focuses on the development of an algorithmic framework for imagined speech decoding from EEG signals. Its activities include the investigation of state of the art algorithms and the development of efficient neuro-informed decoding schemes of imagined speech. Additionally, significant effort will be put into the development of an extendable vocabulary, by designing algorithms that can work in an incremental way. Another research point will be the exploration of the semantics that predominate the imagined speech, with focus being given to words of identical meaning in different languages. Finally, the developed algorithms will be wrapped in a toolbox that could be accessed via a public repository.

WP3. Benchmarking framework

WP3 focuses on the collection of imagined speech data using EEG sensors. Consequently, besides the data recording, its activities include the design of the data collection protocol and the introduction of novel evaluation metrics that will be used to evaluate the algorithms deployed in WP2.

WP4. Dissemination, communication and uptake of scientific results

WP4 focuses on ensuring that the methodologies developed through BINGO will receive the necessary level of attention and their significance will remain sustainable beyond the end of the project.